Tuesday 30 March 2010

Group think Harbour

GROUPTHINK :Case and Analysis
The weeks before the attack on Pearl Harbor (PH) in December 1941, military commanders in Hawaii received a report about Japan's preparations for attacking the U.S. somewhere in the Pacific. Military intelligence and then lost contact with the Japanese carriers that have started moving to Hawaii. Air reconnaissance should be able to monitor the movements of aircraft carriers and giving warning in the last minute. But the commanders decided to ignore that information. So that Pearl Harbour was not ready when it attacked, no alarm sounded when the bombs began berledakan. 18 ships sunk, 170 aircraft were destroyed, and 3700 people died. (Social Psychology, Sarlito Wirawan, 1999, pp. 117)
The above examples are examples of groupthink that occurred in the United States.
Is groupthink that?
Irvings groupthink by Janis (1972) is the term for the situation when a group makes decisions that make no sense to reject the assumption / public opinion that has real proof, and have moral values. The decision of this group came from some influential individuals in the group irrationally but managed to affect the group into a group decision. Groupthink influence the group by performing actions that make no sense and disregard the conflicting opinions outside the group. Groups affected by groupthink syndrome is usually a group whose members have the same background, alienated (not fused, isolated) from outside opinions, and there are no clear rules about decision making processes.
While groupthink by Grace (2005) was the decision making process that occurs in a very cohesive group, where the members try to maintain group consensus so that the critical capability to be not effective anymore.
groupthink, whereby a group of people, in order to maintain his identity as a group, do not dare to oppose the decision which is considered as the majority decision

Negative impact groupthink in the group:
Very limited discussion on some alternative decision alone.
1. Solving problems from the beginning was likely chosen, are no longer evaluated or reviewed.
2. Solution to the problem that since the beginning rejected, never be reconsidered.
3. Never seek or ask for opinions of experts in the field.
4. If no advice or other considerations, its acceptance is selected because there was bias on the part of members.
5. Tend not to see the possibilities of other groups will perform acts of opposition, so as not ready to do its anticipation.
6. Surveyed with the policy objectives is not complete and perfect.
Determinant factors contained in the groupthink, which is (Sarwono, 1999):
1. Antecedent factors
If the things that preceded the group intended to enhance the mind, then the decision made by the group would be a bad value. However, if the things that precede intended to prevent the group mind, the decision will be made by the group will be well worth it.
2. Voice roundness factor
Groups which require unanimity was more often stuck in the minds of the group, rather than using a majority vote system.
3. Institute of Social-Emotional Factors
Groups-social ties tend to develop high emotional group mind, while the group that ties straightforward and based on the mere task of the group mind tends to be lower.
4. Tolerance Error
Larger group mind if the mistakes of the left there is no tolerance for mistakes there
Symptoms of groupthink in the group (Janis):
1. Erroneous perceptions (illusions), that there is confidence that the group will not be invincible.
2. Collective rationality, by way of justifying the wrong things as seemed to make sense.
3. Believe in the morality of an existing undercurrent in the group.
4. Stereotypes against other groups (think bad of other groups).
5. Direct pressure on members whose opinions differ from the opinions of the group.
6. Self-censorship of deviations from the consensus group.
7. Illusion that all group members agree and vote unanimously.
8. Automatic keep mentally fit to prevent or filter the information that is not supported, this is done by the guards thought the group (mindguards).
How to overcome groupthink by Janis is the group leader to suspend the assessment, encouraging the emergence of various criticisms of the program or decision proposed, inviting experts from outside groups, assigning one or two members to be the devil's advocate to oppose majority opinion (even if they actually agree with that opinion), and the group must make decisions in stages, not all at once.
To avoid groupthink, group leaders need to carry out activities with groups such as the following condition.
1. Delivering openly about the possibility of growth of group mind deliberately consequences.
2. Emphasized the need for the position of the other alignments.
3. Asking critical evaluation of each member, by giving encouragement and outlines a doubt.
4. Appoint one or two people to become critics of the group.
5. When certain groups need to be broken up into smaller and more effective, and moments later restored to obtain the maximum role of each member.
6. Provide enough time to study the existence of other groups (rival), by identifying the signs or statements or other possibilities considered dangerous.
7. After the provisional decision reached, requested the members to re-evaluate in different occasions.
8. Provide time to invite experts in attending group meetings, to criticize or reject the views of the group.
9. Open the possibility of group members to always discuss openly in another forum, with record results solely for the group.
10. Make several independent groups are not mutually dependent (independent), to work together in solving a problem.
Criticism of the theory of groupthink:
1. Aldag and Fuller (1993)
According to Aldag and Fuller, retrospective analysis of groupthink (retroactively), so Janis can take the evidence supports the theory. Integration of the group itself does not necessarily lead to thoughts of the group. For example a marriage and family, can be fixed without creating an integrated or cohesive group mind, while still letting differences of opinion without compromising the integrity of itself.
2. Tetlock, et al (1992)
Tetlock, et.al rate, historical facts prove that there are also groups who have followed a good procedure, but still make mistakes, as when President Carter and his advisors are planning the release of hostages in Iran in 1980. The operation was a total failure and disgrace the United States, although the group has invited a variety of opinions from the outside and taking into account all possibilities realistically.
Sarlito Wirawan Sarwono, 1999, Psikologi sosial: psikologi kelompok dan psikologi terapan

Tuesday 23 March 2010

Making Dynamic Commitment

Commitment, this word must not foreign to you. Within the framework of the organization, it is something that top management is expected of all managers and employees (HR). This is understandable, because the organization is able to develop its human resource commitment also will be able to utilize their full employment potential. As stated Yoash Wiener: highly committed HR would very much concerned and willing to do anything to advance the organization's shelter and working place.

Talk commitments HR, Thomas Becker's study shows it is multidimensional. That is, can not simply be viewed as a commitment to the organization as a whole, but also to work units, top management and immediate supervisor. Study results also showed that four dimensions are positively correlated with each other. In other words, commitment to one dimension influence the other dimensions. For example, a commitment to the direct supervisor determines commitment to the work unit, the top management and organization.

However, a positive correlation between commitment to the work unit and to the organization's top management and not too strong. That is, do not always lead to commitment. No strong correlation indicates the necessity of synchronization and harmonization between work units and organizations in order to move them both into hand in hand, so the commitment to the work unit to develop into the entire organization.

Synchronization and harmonization is a task of top management. Powerful way that can be applied here is a * strategic planning (strategic planning) * combines the following, which could accommodate intermediate planning * (intermediate planning *) and operational * (operational planning) *, each of which have been prepared by management of middle and lower management.

Thus, top management is very important to really stay away from top-down approach * * when formulating strategic planning. Section, such an approach would only impose the will without regard to the aspirations of the grassroots * (grass root) *. If this happens, the result, not only ketakharmonisan that will grow and develop, but, furthermore, the resistance (opposition) of the middle managers, lower managers and employees. This is where the commitment can be the wrong direction: a commitment to the work unit did not progress to the entire organization, so it will be little progress achieved by the organization.

The recommended approach is bottom-up * *, more precisely, * * management by objectives (MBO), strategic planning have been prepared under the coordination of top management, but with the active participation of the entire organization. In this case, strategic planning can not only accommodate the intermediate and operational planning, but also keep open the opportunity for middle managers, lower managers and employees to provide input during the formulation of intermediate and operational planning may have not been recovered.

To reduce the complexity of the formulation of strategic planning, MBO recommended are implemented during the preparation of middle level and operational planning. The goal, so that any input from below can be accommodated as much as possible, so that seepage input into strategic planning can be minimal. In other words, the purpose is to make planning more representative of middle and lower (reflecting the aspirations of the bottom). Management theory called MBO MBO hierarkikal this model.

In large-scale organizations (organizations with a lot of human resources and / or the area of operation spread across the country or the world), MBO hierarkikal effective implementation requires a systematic pattern. Pattern functions provide a framework and directions how to process bottom-up planning * * the run.

The key to success lies in a systematic pattern of coordination. Top management commissioned one of them to coordinate the implementation of MBO from bottom to top, so that planning at lower levels can support top-level planning. It should be noted that the emphasis is not on duty of the coordinator of planning materials, but on the planning process with the MBO method hierarkikal.

Is the coordinator of the task force is also to develop human resources participation, because without their participation, MBO will not work effectively. These efforts should be directed to develop human resources by Douglas McGregor classified as people who hold Theory X, which is a passive and just waiting for orders from superiors.

Because of the centralized cultural influences, especially under the Soeharto regime, no doubt quite a lot of human resource organizations in Indonesia that adheres to Theory X. So, I guess, the first homework for coordinating the implementation of MBO hierarkikal is to change the mentality. Certainly not to the extreme, so that human attitudes and behavior do not necessarily become militant, and difficult to control the top management.

MBO Implementation hierarkikal gradual and limited (from the lowest level first) is one of the tactics of fostering participation slowly and under control. Such implementation can also become a kind of training to enhance human resource initiatives and participation with them to transform the mentality of the adherents of Theory X to Theory Y.
The actual size of the two power not only important for the effective implementation of MBO hierarkikal, but also for the growth and development of innovation in organizations. We all probably already know that in a situation that completely uncertain environment and competitive environment, innovation is the key to organizational success. Just like what Peter Drucker once delivered, * "Innovation endows resources with a new capacity to create wealth." *

Operational Claims General Insurance Procedure in PT XYZ

Operational Claims General Insurance Procedure in PT XYZ
By: Imanugrahtama

I. Introduction
Life is full of unexpected risks or unexpected, because of that we need to understand about insurance. Some natural events that occurred recently, such as an earthquake in West Java, an earthquake in Padang and Jambi, such as reminding us will need insurance. For every member of society including the business world, the risk for experiencing disadvantage (misfortune) are always there (Kamaluddin: 2003). In order to minimize losses, human beings developed a mechanism which we now know as insurance.
The primary function of insurance is as a mechanism to transfer risk (risk-transfer mechanism), which transfer risk from one party (the insured) to another party (the insurer). Risk transfer is by no means eliminates the possibility of misfortune, but the insurer to provide financial security (financial security) and tranquility (peace of mind) for the insured. In return, the insured pays a premium in a very small number when compared with potential losses that may be suffered. (Morton: 1999).
The insurance company is the kind of company that runs an insurance business. Business insurance is a financial services business with public funds through the collection of insurance premiums to provide protection to members of the public service users insurance against potential losses because of an uncertain event or for life or death.
In the Book of Law Trade Law (to businesses) of article 246, "Insurance is an arrangement whereby a person binds himself to a person insured by receiving a premium to provide reimbursement to him for any loss, damage, or loss of expected benefits that may be suffered as a indeterminate event ". Can be taken a conclusion that insurance is an agreement between the insured and the insurer (insurance company) where the insurer guarantees all insured losses from the insured object.
Basically, the insurance policy is a contract that is a legal agreement between the insurer (in this case the insurance company) with the insured, whereby the insurer willing to cover some losses that may arise in the future in return for payment (premium), some of the insured. In the insurance policy there are some parts that is the scheduling policy, and the wording of the policy. Scheduling policy includes details about ikhitisar responsibility, among others; name insured, object responsibility, policy period, and the amount of premium paid. Policy wording contains about ketentuan-ketentuan/pasal-pasal insurance policy agreement.
Vehicle insurance is insurance with a guarantee that ensures vehicle collisions, slip, evil deeds of others rather than families, theft, and fires with a pay premium in a period of coverage. Vehicle insurance to help vehicle owners feel financially protected if the vehicle experienced an unexpected risk.
Initially vehicle insurance claims handling in PT XYZ takes a long time. Procedures that are too long cause customers often complain of vehicle spending long hours in the garage so that customers can not use his vehicle.

II. Theory basis
Competition has never stopped and even always in the market, it is necessary for reorganization of the company's operations to provide better service to customers. Competitive advantage does not always obtained from the basic price per unit is lower, but more on the ability to deliver timely quality products in a sustainable, these capabilities are highly regarded by customers, and therefore customers are willing to pay more for it. Competition began to be developed through excellence in operations, which support product development and customer sensitivity that is targeted. (Johns and Harding, 2001)
Management operations such as that expressed by Jay Heizer and Barry Render (2009) was a series of activities that create value in the form of goods and services by transforming inputs into outputs. Activities to create goods and services is available at any company or organization.
Services can be interpreted as an economic activity that does not create a tangible product. Goods can be interpreted as a tangible product. The factors that distinguish goods and services (Heizer and Render, 2009), among others:
1. Services do not usually have the form of tangible goods while
2. Services are usually produced and consumed simultaneously and do not need storage while the goods are produced and consumed in isolation and need storage.
3. While the goods are usually unique services have common characteristics and are not unique.
4. Service levels with high customer interaction while the level of interaction with customers goods is low, customers who had complaints filed complaints.
5. Services have inconsistent definitions of the product. Defini products carefully as possible contained in the vehicle insurance policy, but inkonsistent for policyholders to replace their vehicles.
According to Heizer and Render (2009), Pure Service can be defined as services that do not include a tangible product. As an example of a pure services company (puree of service) are insurance companies, both life insurance and general insurance. The services sector is a segment of the economy including trade, finance, lodging, education, legal and other professional medical work.
Service sector productivity is very hard to develop this is because the service sector:
1. Typical is more use of labor
2. Often focused on the individual's unique attributes.
3. Often an intellectual task performed by a professional
4. Often difficult to mechanize and automate
5. Often difficult to evaluate the quality of
Creating services is a challenge because services have unique characteristics. One reason for the increase of productivity improvement in services is very low this is because the design process and distribute it to customers requiring customer interaction. In the early stages when the company will make or design a product and services received inputs from the customer or the company gets feedback from customers through the transmission and can also advise customers whether it is in the design process or distribution process.
Quality, as adopted from the American Society for Quality can be defined "The totality of features and services or Characteristics That bears on its ABILITY to satisfy stated or implied needs". From the definition above can be interpreted that the quality has the features and characteristics of goods and services that can satisfy customers' needs.
Manpower planning is to determine staffing policies related to job stability, work schedules and work rules. Stability of labor associated with the number of employees who are managed by an organization at a particular time. There are two policies relating to the stability of labor:
1. Following a request, follow the demand to keep direct labor costs but remain attached to the other charges. Other costs include: costs to appoint and dismiss, the guarantee of unemployment, and the cost to entice employees to work is not fixed. This policy of treating employees as a cost variable.
2. Maintain the number of permanent employees. Maintaining the level of permanent employees with memperhankan trained manpower and equipment hire, dismiss and not working a minimum cost. With labor remains constant, the employee may not be fully utilized when demand is low, and the company may not have the necessary human resources when demand is high. This policy of treating employees as fixed costs.

Indonesia's standard work schedule is 8 hours. Variety of popular work schedule currently is flextime. According to Heizer and Render, 2009, within the limits of Flextime allows employees to set their own schedule. This policy provides one of the freedoms granted to employees of the company.
Job rotation is that employee turnover occurs when employees are allowed to move from jobs that they have learned into a new job. Companies sometimes require rotation benefits when employees have been hired experts in the field and to move them to other divisions / areas of work that others can add to the employee experience.
Arrangement reflects the operating strategy of the view out the decision-making operations, focusing on market needs and customers, with the aim of improving the competitive position of companies selected in the present and future. Prepare the operating capacity of the operating strategy that can be exploited for commercial profit. Operating strategy to prepare the operating capacity that can be used for commercial profit.

III. Case Studies
XYZ Company is one of the 20 largest insurance companies in Indonesia. These companies are subsidiaries of one company group. The company was founded in 1968 and began to go public in 2002. XYZ has a superior product that is vehicle insurance, fire insurance, and insurance carriers.
Competition strategy of low prices, PT XYZ in this period lies in vehicle insurance. Ease during the process of vehicle insurance coverage who did not take long to make this product can capture market share. Ease, among others; Marketing can conduct surveys cover photo, Marketing can quickly create a cover note stating the vehicle had been assured by the insurance without waiting for the submission by the officer of XYZ. Coffee cover note is given to Officer PT XYZ to immediately created a vehicle insurance policy. This strategy
At the beginning of Going Public, XYZ management has many partners workshop. Workshop for partners that is owned by XYZ ± 20 units. Claims payment system is still reimbursement. Claims process in PT XYZ starts from the insured to report claims XYZ, the claims department advised the insured to bring his car, officers claim the vehicle and the physical survey collected information both chronological events, photo survey and notes sections of damaged cars and also bring claim forms have been signed by the insured, claims Officer requested approval to your supervisor or claims manager to get SPK (work orders), so the workshop can directly do. The process of reporting to the DSS out ± 1-week time-consuming and time-consuming process of ± 1 week of making the insured waited long enough to use the car.
The duration of the process of insurance claims and closure process is inversely proportional. Claims process long enough to make the customer disappointed and move to other insurers. Apart from the duration of construction period by the workshop, fraud also occurs from some of the workshops that often do cheating in the process so that the cost of claims become swollen. The ratio of claims to be as high as 100% ±. The claim ratio is a calculation of the cost of claims divided by premiums. The ideal ratio is the ratio of claims that are under 100%.

IV. Analysis
Create price competition strategies PT XYZ emphasis on shortening the closure of only 1 day. XYZ less attention to accuracy of the data so that cause underwriting result to be down. Some marketing has a low utmost good faith, and lead to better prioritize the interests of customer marketing. Customers want the condition of any car can be accepted by the insurer while choosing car insurance is more smooth in a state that can be covered. This difference can be explained by marketing in offering car insurance products to prospective customers.
High claims ratio causes insurance companies do not benefit from insurance premium vehicle. Besides the high claims ratio can result in a decline in the financial balance sheet of XYZ. Payment of an expense claim in the financial balance sheets of insurance companies and also makes the underwriting result to be down. This will adversely affect the financial performance of XYZ.
Number of workshops to become a partner PT XYZ is selling to the public. Society will have a perception of more and more partners workshop owned by a company that will allow them to process claims. This strategy is an initial strategy for the company to be able to win the general insurance market. This strategy must be supported by good supervision.
XYZ Management evaluates the product of their vehicle insurance. A significant change is to reduce the number of workshops for regional partners Jabotadebek, from the original 20 partners to six garage workshop partners. Besides reducing the number of workshops partnership, XYZ Management and workshop partners agreed to use part of garage space to establish a claim center.
Claim Center is a place for insureds to report claims, to wait for the repair process, and can also be used as containers for the marketing of insurance products such as fire insurance. Claim Center does not require such a vast room, spacious 4x5 m room equipped with air conditioning, 1 table, 1 fruit cabinet shelves, 5 chairs, and equipped with banners, brochures and claim forms. Claim Center manned by 1 or 2 person staff of XYZ. SPK-making increasingly shortened by claims supervisors conduct regular schedule every day to approve the claim and sign the DSS and can not be separated from other activities. Acceptance Limit Supervisor should have charged to supervisor of ± five million rupiah, the limit above five million rupiah should be submitted to the claims manager by the claim center staff and the responsibility of the claim center staff to follow up the process of acceptance. After the acceptance of claims approved by the DSS will be followed up by the workshop partners. This had a positive impact on customer satisfaction.
Ordering procedures regarding vehicle insurance claim process in PT XYZ, as follows: Page
1. Report loss within 5 days after the loss.
2. Prepare all reporting documents in accordance with the type of loss suffered. Immediately submit the claim documents are complete, so that claims can be processed immediately.
3. Some types of claims require a survey to the insured object. This is intended to identify clearly the cause of the loss estimation process and as a total loss suffered by the customer
4. After all the documents and complete claim data, XYZ team will further analyze the existing claims. This is intended to determine the value of compensation and compensation process to be traversed.
5. The process of compensation made in accordance with the type of loss suffered.
Changes in internal party procedure XYZ bring meaningful change to the claims processing cycle, a process which was originally more than one week to less than one week. This increase is expected to increase production amount of vehicle insurance.
Page 6 XYZ has a partner in regional workshops across Greater Jakarta area, Pondok Indah (South Jakarta), Kalimalang (East Jakarta), Yos Sudarso (North Jakarta), Jelambar (West Jakarta), Bogor and Tangerang. Into six regions have been represented Jabotadebek and capable of satisfying the customer.

IV. Conclusions and Suggestions
IV.1. Conclusion
As an insurance company XYZ will increase customer satisfaction by understanding customer needs. What are the customer's desire can be described as follows:
1. Rapid procedure of insurance coverage, including survey process, the policy-making to the process of policy delivery.
2. Rapid claims procedures, including the survey process claim, the decline in DSS, to the working process in the workshop.
3. Workshop for partners that have good quality and sufficient quantity so that customers can more easily find the garage when it will make the claim.
XYZ has the right step when the customer feels dissatisfied with the process of vehicle insurance claims, PT XYZ conduct an internal evaluation of its claims division and repair of vehicle insurance claims handling procedures. Repair procedures for handling these claims is expected to increase revenue XYZ company because the power of word of mouth from customers is key in marketing the products of a company.

IV.2. Suggestion

As for suggestions for XYZ as follows:
1. XYZ should conduct routine evaluation of the procedures that have been executed. It aims PT XYZ may correct errors and mistakes to motivate employees.
2. XYZ must monitor competitor. It aims PT XYZ can continue to innovate and have the advantage of competitors.
3. XYZ must monitor the quality of the workshop partners, and conduct workshops reprimand to the owner if the quality of the workshop can not meet customer satisfaction.
4. Kaizen strategy should be the motto for the management to continuously improve the quality in terms of service.


Heizer, J and Render, B., 2009. Operation Management, 9th ed. New Jersey: Prentice Hall,Inc.
Johns, D.T. and Harding, H.A., 2001. Manajemen Operasi: Untuk Meraih Keunggulan Kompetitif, Seri Manajemen Operasi No.9. Jakarta: Penerbit PPM
Juran, J.M., 1974. Quality Control Handbook. New York: McGraw Hill
Vollmann,T.E., Berry, W.L., and Whybark,D.C., 1984. Manufacturing Planning and Control System, Illinois: Irwin

Inovation and Customer Satisfaction Based on ICSA Index

Inovation and Customer Satisfaction
Based on ICSA Index
Study Case : Panadol Hijau

I. Introduction
Both companies engaged in manufacturing or services to create a product that will be marketed to customers. The Company will create a brand before marketed to customers. Brands in the practice of trade in goods and / or services have a strategic role. The strategic role of brands can be viewed in the context of the function itself brands. Brands in the practice of trade in goods or services have a function in building the image, quality and promotion of a product.
Customers will buy a particular product / service by holding a range of goods to be purchased. Range of goods / services to be purchased by paying attention to brand. By choosing a particular brand customers think of the brand reflects the quality.
Companies that require commercial or consumer subscribers in order to continue running. The Company will attempt to market the product to the customer through marketing channels that have been made by the company. Marketing channels aimed for customers' needs for goods / services can be channeled quickly. In addition to marketing channels, things that need to be taken by the company is customer satisfaction, therefore the company needs a survey to determine how far the level of customer satisfaction of similar products in the market.
In writing this refers to the customer satisfaction survey conducted by SWA Magazine and Frontier Consulting Group, which was published in an edition No.19/XXV/2009 SWA magazine. The writing of this review why Panadol Green can win customer satisfaction survey conducted by SWA Magazine and Frontier Consulting Group sufficiency in the category of cough and cold medicines.

II. Innovation, Product, Marketing, and Customer Satisfaction
According to Ferrell, Hirt, and Ferrell (2008), the product either in the form of goods and services, or a combination of both, "a complex mix of tangible and intangible attributes and benefits That Provide satisfaction." Definition of Ferrell may mean that a product is a complex mixture of something real and unreal that can provide a satisfaction and benefits. Kottler (1980) says that the product is anything that can be offered to the market to be noticed, bought, used, or consumed; term covers products of physical objects, services, personalities, places, organizations, and ideas.
The process of creating a product called the production process. Simple production process starting from collection of raw materials, continued to processing, naming, packaging and finally produce a product that is ready for market.
Any manufacturing or service companies in creating a new product, do the following stages: 1) the development of ideas, 2) screening new ideas, 3) business analysis, 4) product development, 5) the marketing test, 6) commercialization. (Ferrell, 2008)
Development ideas come from marketing research, technicians and external sources, such as advertising agencies and management consultants. At the screening stage of new ideas, marketing manager must be able to view the resources inside the company and objectively assess the company's ability to produce and market the product. No less important aspect in the screening phase of new ideas is the desire of society, changes in technology, social trends, and political, economic, and environment into consideration. The new product can be successful if: the new product will meet or overcome the problem better than previous products, or new products can add that there are variations in the market, so that may mean that a product must be able to innovate so that products can survive in the market. In the business analysis that the main focus is the assessment of product compatibility and the potential benefits, how the new product can affect sales, costs, and company profit. Test marketing is a new product launch in a limited area so that they can present their market potential. Marketing tests aim to identify weaknesses and try to overcome these weaknesses before the actual launch. Commercialization is the introduction of the use of marketing strategies and launching products for commercial success. (Ferrell, 2008)
Naming, packaging, and labeling can be used to identify products or differentiate products with other products. Naming is a process of naming and product identikasi. Naming can be a symbol, design or combination of both to become the identity of the product and can be distinguished from other products. Process external packaging or container that describes the product, customer habits and influence in buying decisions. Labeling presented the main information on the packaging, and always berkaita with packaging. Labeling is usually required by law, which includes nutrition facts, contents or contents, instructions for use, indications of usage, address and toll-free telephone.
A good product should have the brand, packaging, taste different from other similar products. This is related to the senses to which every human being. Human senses can detect that the perception of these products can begin. Differences in product quality that is perceived by the senses can help a product survive in competitive markets, especially if the product creates a unique sensation. (Solomon, 2009).
Marketing (Marketing) can be interpreted as a process of identifying and finding people with social needs. Marketing can also be defined organizational function and a set of processes for creating, communicating, and delivering value to customers and mengkelola good relationships with customers that will provide benefits to companies and decision makers (Kottler and Keller, 2009), so that from the two above definitions of marketing 6 has an important point, ie, the process of identify, discover, create, communicate, distribute, and provide benefits. Based on Kotler and Keller (2009), marketing management is the art and science of choosing target markets and acquire, retain, and grow customers through the creation, delivery, and communicating superior customer value.
Inside there is the marketing term that can mean the market has traditionally been a meeting place for sellers and buyers and make buying and selling goods. Market in the sense that now is seen as existing and potential customers, therefore the company should be able to retain existing customers and find potential customers. (Kotler and Keller, 2009)
Companies in the marketing of a product should be able to determine the target, position and market segments. The first step should be done is to divide the market into several segments, after it decided to target market segments in which to see who can produce the greatest opportunities, so it can determine the position of a product in the eyes of customers. (Kotler and Keller, 2009).
Marketing plan is the central instrument for directing and coordinating marketing efforts. Marketing plan strategy can be interpreted as the display target markets, corporate value propositions, based on the best market opportunities, (Kotler and Keller, 2009). Companies that have a good marketing strategy will dominate the market, as examples of companies that have good marketing strategies, among others, Nike, Sony, Nokia, Starbucks, Wal-Mart, Mc Donald's and the Ritz Carlton.
Market oriented companies are companies which try to meet the needs of the market. Market orientation is an organizational perspective that encourages the three main aspects:
1. Market intelligence gathering efforts in a systematic way with the main source of customers and competitors.
2. Dissemination of market intelligence to all units / departments of the organization.
3. Organization coordinated and comprehensive response to market intelligence.
Market orientation helps the management in identifying the unique capabilities and customers who demand value can be aligned with these capabilities. Successful market-oriented strategy would lead to superior performance, as produced by a number of leading companies such as Dell Computer, Singapore airlines, Tiffany and Company, and Wall-Mart. Market orientation is a combination of cultural commitment to customer value and superior value creation process for consumers. Thus the focus on customer needs (customer focus), competitor intelligence, cooperation, and cross-functional involvement. Successful implementation of market orientation, supported also by the ability to identify and expand its unique capabilities. (Fandy, Yanto and Anastasia, 2004)
Products produced by companies either manufacturing or service that seeks to meet the needs of customers so that customers will be satisfied. Generally, the customer is someone who identifies a need or desire. Customers can also be an institution or organization or group. Can be concluded that the product should be able to meet the needs of both individual customers, groups, institutions or organizations.
Satisfaction can be defined generally as a person's feelings of satisfaction or disappointment resulting from comparing the performance of the product (product advantage) with the expected (Kotler and Keller, 2009). Thus, customer satisfaction can be interpreted as consumers' feelings of satisfaction or disappointment resulting from comparing the quality of the product with the quality expected by consumers. Customer assessment of product advantage depends on various factors, particularly customer loyalty to the brand product. Customers have the perception of the products that have a well-known brand that has been quite good compared with branded products that do not already have.
Customer / people who are dissatisfied can perform four different actions. First, the apathy and resignation, forced to continue buying a particular brand that had been purchased because the customer has no other choice. For example, although many customers complained of the quality premium gasoline, most consumers still buy it, and only a small fraction of Premix or switch to another station from another company, because its price is much more expensive. Second, customers who complain, either through the facilities of the consumer voice or media. Characteristics of these customers are still buying the product, hoping no improvement. Third, many customers who are not direct acts of protest but with saying goodbye to the brand that had been bought and switch to another brand. Fourth, to protest loudly and become terrorists who sowed the complaint, even hatred can be judged against brands that have been disappointing. In the fourth type, the competitors will take advantage of spreading the evil terrorists who liked the product or brand to brand kedigdayaan eroded the company's products we (SWA Magazine, 2009).
Many companies have systematically and periodically measure how well the company can serve customers, identify the factors will increase customer satisfaction and will make changes to the operations and marketing. Companies should measure customer satisfaction periodically because of the note by the customer is just how these products can satisfy them. High levels of customer satisfaction will create loyal customers / loyal, so that it will buy more new products being offered by the company and updating older products. Increasing customer satisfaction will increase revenues and reduce risk in capital markets. (Kotler and Keller, 2009). Satisfied customers will tell their satisfaction to the relatives and friends, so will reduce the cost of company promotion and will enhance the company's reputation so that sales will increase and the company owners or shareholders will be satisfied.

III. Customer Satisfaction Measurement
III.1. Viewing from another country.
The concept of measuring customer satisfaction with the national scale was first performed in Sweden in 1989, with the name of the Swedish Customer Satisfaction Barometer (SCSB). SCSB was developed by Claes Fornell, Claes Fornell establish where Claes Fornell International.
The concept of customer satisfaction in the United States the first time there in 1994. The concept of satisfaction is better known as the American Customer Satisfaction Index (ACSI), which Claes Fornell International which works with Michigan Ross Business School and the American Society of Quality interviewed 80,000 citizens of the United States to determine their satisfaction of products and services or government services. Companies surveyed 200 companies reached with 43 industries and 10 economic sectors. Measurements conducted every three months and every industry will be selected by Roling. ACSI uses two complementary methods: interviewing the customer and economic modeling. ACSI model is a causal model of customer satisfaction-index triggers the left side (customer Expectations, perceived quality and perceived value), satisfaction ACSI middle, and output on the right side (customer complaints and customer loyalty, including customer retention and price tolerance). The index is a measure of multivariate components are then weighted to questions in the model. Modeling and survey methodology to calculate the power index on the left side of the component on the right side. By looking at the indices and impacts, users will be able to determine if the trigger and improved customer satisfaction will have a positive impact on customer loyalty.
European continent has the satisfaction measurement model called the Extended Performance Satisfaction Index (Epsi). This model is similar to the model used in Sweden, which means that this model is similar to the model in the United States. European Epsi model suggests that customer complaints are not part of the master model.

South Korea satisfaction measurement model known as the National Customer Satisfaction Index (NCSI). The survey involved 60,000 respondents and covers 37 industries and 200 companies. The method used the same method used in Sweden and the United States. This model also connects consumer satisfaction (NCSI) to consumer behavior (consumer complaints and customer loyalty). Consumer loyalty can be referred to the possibility of repeated purchases or price tolerance.
Singapore model known as the Customer Satisfaction Index of Singapore (CSISG). The survey involving around 10,000 households and 2,000 tourists to the relevant sector.
New Japanese models exist in the year 2009, with Japanese names Customer Satisfaction Index (JCSI). This Japanese model does not differ greatly from the Swedish model, only the Japanese model was started using respondents from the internet, while also measuring word of mouth and loyalty.

III.2. Customer Satisfaction Measurement
Overall customer satisfaction is the main indicator of progress in relation to the behavior of firms and economic consequences of profitable firms (Anderson, et al. 2007). Customer satisfaction can be measured in various ways value satisfaction score, perceived quality satisfaction score and best score. Perceived score is one of the best marketing constructs that have not been much explored in depth. The more ironic because a lot of marketing literature and the organization's mission statement which placed it as one organization's strategic objectives. Research undertaken two marketing experts from the University of Western Australia, Sweeney and Soutar (2001) in Anastasia et al (2004) seeks to develop 19 items measure customer perceived value. This scale was developed based on the context of retail purchase situation to determine the values of consumption that leads to the attitudes and buying behavior. According to Sweeney and Soutar in Anastasia et al (2004), consisting of 4 dimensions of the main aspects:
1. Emotional value, ie the utility that comes from feeling or affective / positive emotions arising from consuming the product.
2. Social values, ie the utility gained from the ability of products to enhance self-concept of the social consumer.
3. Quality / performance value, namely utility dididapatkan of product cost reduction due to short-term and long-term costs
4. Price / value for money, ie the utility gained from the perception of the quality and performance expected of the products
Marketers are expected to always give value to each product or service it markets. Focus on customer value has been accepted as a concept that can drive corporate performance. Companies spend a lot of money each year to improve consumer perception of value that existed at their brand. Thus very important for companies to know with certainty how the role of perceived value and the factors determining it. (Fandy, Yanto and Anastasia, 2004).

IV. Panadol Green Being Number One in Category Cough and Flu In ICSA 2009 event.

IV.1. Overview About ICSA.
Indonesian Customer Satisfaction Award (ICSA) is an award event to customer satisfaction (customer satisfaction). ICSA began in August 1999 by SWA Magazine by Frontier Marketing and Research Consultant. Conducted a national survey covering 19 139 industry or product / brand found in relatively high levels of satisfaction.
Given ICSA performed routinely every year, brings positive effects for the development of business in Indonesia. The positive effects of the ICSA, among others:
1. The existence of customer satisfaction have become the working parameters of many companies.
2. More and more companies in Indonesia are thinking about ways to improve customer satisfaction and well-planned strategic

IV.2. Panadol Green Being Number One Products Cough and Flu can Satisfying customers in the year 2009
From customer satisfaction survey conducted by SWA Magazine and Frontier Marketing and Research Consultant, Panadol Green became a champion for the category of cough and cold medications (see table). Achieving the highest levels is possible because Panadol Green has increased almost uniformly in all indicators of assessment, ie quality satisfaction score, Value satisfaction score, best score and perceived expectation score.
Table. ICSA 2009 Flu and Cough Medicines
No Brand Adjusted TSS
Brand Share QSS PBS expectation VSS
1 Panadol Cold & Flu 6:10% 4089 3913 4072 3869 3990
2 Neozep 9.70% 3968 3876 3963 3758 3895
Flu and Cough Bodrex 3 7.50% 4017 3832 4004 3525 3853
4 Decolgen 9:00% 3887 3795 3913 3656 3817
5 Procold 7:30% 3951 3812 3858 3572 3803
Source: SWA Magazine, N0.19/XXV
Panadol brand has long been present in Indonesia since the 1970s. Panadol drugs are manufactured in Indonesia by PT Sterling Products Indonesia (SPI). At first, known as Panadol analgesic drugs intended to relieve pain and fever in the head. In this category are highly developed in the pharmaceutical market, so many companies that play in this category, with a total of more than 140 brands. Can be concluded with a rather large number of companies in this category then the company can not expand anymore and just steal each other brand market.
PT Sterling Products Indonesia Panadol start thinking about product innovation in 2000. The background of these innovations originated from research conducted by PT Sterling Products Indonesia who noted that the tendency of people suffering from the flu will eventually suffer from coughing too. In general people who suffer from colds and coughs will consume two types of drugs, ie drugs for cough and colds. Sterling Products Indonesia PT finally issued a new product innovation called Panadol Green to overcome the problem of flu and cough. Panadol Green also raises another benefit that is not cause drowsiness so it is easy for employees suffering from flu and cough can continue working in that target market pekerjaaannya Panadol Green is people who have busy and people do not want to interfere with the flu and cough their activities.
The main strength of the Green Panadol can penetrate such markets; innovative products, under the umbrella brand Panadol, and always perform a customer satisfaction survey once every two months. Panadol Green tried to market the product with the market segment of people who work.
Distribution of green Panadol focuses more on the modern market and the pharmacy (the modern channel), arguing further facilitates the process control and marketing.
There are several steps Panadol Cold and Flu to satisfy the customer:
1. Maintaining product quality meets international standards, because Panadol is an international brand that has a standard for drug safety in accordance with international standards.
2. Maintain availability of product on the market, especially in the modern channel, and continue to improve the availability of products in traditional markets.
3. Consistently position ourselves in a way keeping with the true image through television ads and campaigns to consumers.
4. Once every two months conducting surveys of customer satisfaction in several major cities to identify consumer desires
5. Provides a variety of variants, ranging from Panadol for children up to adults
Based on table 1 can be seen that the highest customer satisfaction will be held by Green but the brand Panadol share held by Neozep. Neozep Forte has a brand share of 9.7% while 6.1% Green Panadol. Judging from the results of the survey Neozep Forte still has brand positioning in the market, so it can be concluded that although the Green Panadol has total satisfaction is higher than Neozep can not beat the brand share and therefore Neozep Panadol Green must develop and improve existing marketing strategy .

V. ICSA Weakness Factors
According Istijanto as SWA is posted on facebook, there are several factors ICSA weaknesses, among others:
1. Surveys were conducted in bulk, so that each product in each category can not compare apple to apple, because there are differences in expectations as determined by the brand. For example, if I want to buy a car, my expectations would differ if I want to buy another brand. There is a possibility of a survey which studied a lot of categories would make the respondent was forced to look for similarities. Thus, there is specificity or differentiation of certain brands that are not accommodated in assessing the respondent, and this is precisely the important points for the expectations of consumers.
2. ICSA survey using a scale of 1-5 by the ICSA survey therefore giving less flexibility to customers to rate. Satisfied customers will choose a score of 4, because the value of 5 was too perfect, while a score of 3 is too bad. Average value would dwell on the 4th. In fact, the index was also impressed forced to make the numbers behind the comma into three digits. Impact, the difference in value Customer Satisfaction is less able to show actual differences.

VI. Cover
VI.1. Conclusion
- ICSA is one of customer satisfaction surveys that exist in the world and especially in Indonesia.
- ICSA review of the Total Satisfaction Score, which include; quality satisfaction score, perceived best score, score and expectation value of satisfaction score.
- With the ICSA it will push customer satisfaction to the working parameters of many companies and will be more and more companies are thinking about customer satisfaction is strategically planned.
- The success of Green Panadol become number one in the ICSA in 2009, caused because Panadol Green has increased almost uniformly in all indicators of valuation, namely quality satisfaction score, Value satisfaction score, best score and perceived expectation score.
- Panadol green product innovation is conducted by Sterling Products Indonesia PT. This innovation process begins with the stages of creation of new products; 1) the development of ideas, 2) screening new ideas, 3) business analysis, 4) product development, 5) the marketing test, 6) commercialization. The sixth stage is carried out properly by the PT Sterling Products Indonesia in creating green Panadol. originated from research conducted by Sterling Products Indonesia PT who noted that the tendency of people suffering from the flu coughs will eventually suffer as well.
- The main strength of the Green Panadol can penetrate such markets, product innovations, under the umbrella brand Panadol, and always perform a customer satisfaction survey once every two months.
- Distribution of green Panadol focuses more on the modern market and the pharmacy (the modern channel), arguing further facilitates the process control and marketing.

VI.2. Suggestion
- My advice for Panadol Green who obtained a high index value, do not just look at one aspect of measurement, because customers might be satisfied today because customers are not familiar with other products. By contrast, if customers already familiar with other products, might be able to shift their satisfaction.
- In general, there should be no improvement survey methods. Most importantly, companies must dig deeper. So instead of changing his ICSA, but companies should be more active in finding out why my index go down or up. It is to be sought answers.
- Customer satisfaction should be the company's objectives and not merely an attempt to defeat competitors. This is because customer satisfaction is the strength to be able to have a brand positioning in the market.


Anderson, Eugene W. Johnson, Michael D. Fornell, Claes (1995), “Rational and Adaptive Performance Expectations in a Customer Satisfaction Framework,”The Journal of Consumer Research, Vol.21, No.4, pp. 695-707.
Ferrel et al (2008), Business; A Changing World, 6th ed. New York. Mc Graw Hill
Hidayat, Taufik (2009), “Karena Kepuasan Pelanggan Tidak Pernah Berujung,” Majalah SWA, No.19/XXV/3, hal.28-55, Jakarta, Penerbit Yayasan Sembada Swakarya.
Kotler, P (1980), Manajemen Pemasaran; Marketing Management, Analisis, Perencanaan dan Pengendalian, Jakarta,Penerbit Erlangga
Kotler, P and Keller, K. L. (2009), Marketing Management, 13th ed, Upper Saddle River, New Jersey, Pearson Education, Inc.
Lestari, Edison (2009), “Menyimak Kepuasan Pelanggan di Mancanegara,” Majalah SWA, No.19/XXV/3, hal.90-94, Jakarta, Penerbit Yayasan Sembada Swakarya.
Manopol, Yuyun dan Nugroho, Sigit A. (2009), “Strategi 2 in 1 Sukseskan Panadol Hijau,” Majalah SWA, No.19/XXV/3, hal.66-70, Jakarta, Penerbit Yayasan Sembada Swakarya.
Solomon, Michael R (2009), Consumer Behavior; “Buying, Having, and Being”, 8th ed, Upper Saddle River, New Jersey, Pearson Education,Inc.

Monday 15 March 2010

JOB SATISFACTION FACTORS: Looking From the Job Satisfaction of Private Higher Education Lecturers

Looking From the Job Satisfaction of Private Higher Education Lecturers

by: Imanugrahtama

I. Introduction
Work is a human activity to meet their needs and obtain benefits from activities that do. Every person must have been doing work, whether it is working in terms of daily activities such as cleaning, cooking, washing cars and so forth, or work that can make money and can be used to satisfy needs, and work itself can be divided into two; work for someone else or hire someone else. The differences between the two is the one getting money by working for someone else, the second is how these people hire someone else to get some money.
By working one can appreciate him so that they can recognize real identity and the work can also enhance one's social status. Career rising and rising incomes will change one's social status. This can be achieved if the working person to feel satisfaction in their work. Vice versa, if a person does not feel satisfaction in their work will affect the person's career.
Lecturers or teachers is one part of an education system that can produce people who are qualified in the future. Lecturers or teachers are often less attention both from the government side, the decision maker, or from the university foundations. Lecturer or qualified faculty is the cornerstone in the education system. Creating and maintaining quality teachers is the role of existing educational institutions. Factors that influence in order to develop a faculty lecturer atapun quality is job satisfaction for teachers or lecturers.
Institutions of private educational institutions are educational institutions are institutions profitable. Institution is an educational institution trying to maintain power quality education that aims to maintain the quality of that institution. More and more qualified teachers increasingly have owned the sale value of that institution. Thus, the institution should attempt to provide a comfortable working environment for employees so that workers feel the satisfaction of working for that institution.
Obvious reasons related to job satisfaction are related to job performance. Furthermore, low job satisfaction associated with the level of stress, fatigue, lack of commitment to institutions, absence, and turnover, are all factors that affect job satisfaction.
Organizational trust is a stage, where one would assume that other people have good intentions and believes in the words and deeds of others. Trust has a significant effect on the integration group, the perception of a fair decision, the behavior of group members, job satisfaction and organizational effectiveness. Mistrust arise when information is stored alone, the resources allocated inconsistently, and when the employees do not get support from management. According to Laschinger et al in Deborah (2006) also found a strong positive relationship between organizational trust and job satisfaction.

II. Formulation of the problem
1. Does organizational trust significantly influence job satisfaction?
2. Is there a strong relationship between job satisfaction and work element?
3. Is there a significant relationship between wages and financial aspects of employment and job satisfaction?
4. Does psychological condition affects a significant impact on job satisfaction of individuals in the work?
III. Literature Review
Basically there are three main characteristics of motivation, namely business, strong will and direction or purpose. The purpose of each of these characteristics can be summarized as follows:
1. Business: The first characteristic of motivation, namely business, pointing to the power of one's work behavior or the amount shown by someone in a job
2. Volition Hardware: Characteristics of the principal motivation of the second refers to the willingness shown by someone when his efforts to implement the tasks pekerjaanna. With a strong will, then all efforts will be made. Failure will not break the charcoal to keep trying until the achievement of objectives
3. Direction or purpose: the third motivsi Characteristics associated with the direction toward which effort and willpower which is owned by someone.
According Kreitner and Kinicki (2008) Job satisfaction is an affective or emotional response toward Various facets of one's job. Can be concluded that one can feel satisfied with one or several aspects and may also not satisfied with some aspects. Lock (in Sopiah, 2008) suggested "Job satisfaction is a pleasurable or positive emotional state resulting from the Appraisal of one's job or job experience" (work satisfaction is an emotional expression that are positive or enjoyable as a result of an assessment of a job or experience work). Job satisfaction according to Robin (in Debora 2006) is the general attitude of people towards her work. Attitudes are derived from individual perceptions about the job. Referring to the opinion can be understood if Luthans (in Debora 2006) states that there are three important dimensions of job satisfaction. First, job satisfaction is an emotional response to the situation and working conditions. Second, job satisfaction often determine how results will be achieved or that expectations will be exceeded, for example, when members of the organization feel that they work harder than others within a department but receive fewer benefits, then they can have a negative attitude to the work, chairman and co-workers. They will become dissatisfied. Vice versa, if they feel they are treated well and paid fairly, then they will have a positive attitude towards work. Third, job satisfaction reflects the attitudes associated with the work itself. Can conclude that:
1. Job satisfaction is an emotional response to someone about the situation and working conditions.
2. Emotional responses may be a sense of satisfaction (positive), or not satisfied (negative). When you are emotionally satisfied means that job satisfaction is achieved and vice versa if not then mean that the employee is not satisfied.
3. Job satisfaction felt by employees after the employee is comparing between what he hoped would he obtained from his work with what he obtained from his work.
4. Job satisfaction reflects some manner related.
Five dominant model of job satisfaction focuses on a different cause. Employees need fulfillment, difference, achievement values, justice, and the dispositional / genetic component. Fulfillment model proposes that satisfaction is determined by the extent to which job characteristics enable an individual to meet his needs. This model emphasizes the satisfaction of fulfillment in their work is obtained when all an individual needs can be met by the job. The model proposes that differences obtained satisfaction when expectations are met. Hope filled show that individual differences in what would expect from a work, such as salary and career opportunities in accordance with what the individuals have received today. The model proposes that the achievement of value from the perception of job satisfaction that can meet the work values that are trusted by the individual. The model emphasizes the satisfaction of justice is a function of how one is treated fairly in the job. Dispositional model / genetic component based on the sense of trust that job satisfaction is part of the function of behavior and genetics. (Kreitner and Kinicki, 2008)
Eight key associated with job satisfaction (Kreitner and Kinicki, 2008) include: motivation, job involvement, organizational behavior of the population, attendance, desire to stop, shift work, felt stress, job performance. Gibson (in Sopiah, 2008) mentions aspects that affect job satisfaction, namely wages, employment, promotion, supervisors and co-workers. Unlike his case Wexley and Yukl (1992) argues that aspects of work that affect job satisfaction of employees is wages, employment, supervision, coworkers, job content, job security and promotion. Robbins (1996) says that all aspects of work that affect job satisfaction is the wage, employment, promotion, supervisors and co-workers. Sariati (2000) suggested elements of job satisfaction: challenging work, fair wages, working conditions that support, support from colleagues. Sanusi (1989) and Purnomosidhi (1990) in Sopiah (2008) suggested that the indicators of job satisfaction is a sense of security in working with groups, satisfaction with supervisor, satisfaction with the work itself, pay, advancement, and opportunities to advance.
Frederick Herzberg developed a theory of two factors. This theory is looking at job satisfaction comes from the existence of intrinsic motivators and that job dissatisfaction comes from lack of state of extrinsic factors. Job satisfaction is usually associated with achievement, recognition, job characteristics, and progress. Herzberg hypothesis of job satisfaction is a motivator can cause a person who is dissatisfied will be satisfied with his work his work. Herzberg's theory can be concluded as follows:
1. There is a group of extrinsic conditions (job context) includes salary or wages, job security, working conditions, status, organizational policies, supervision, and interpersonal relationships. If this factor is not there then the employees will feel dissatisfied.
2. There is a group of conditions that include intrinsic job performance, recognition of responsibility, advancement, work itself and growth. If the intrinsic conditions are met then the employee organization or company will be satisfied.
There are several ways to measure job satisfaction, among others, using an index scale of job descriptions, using the Minnesota job satisfaction questionnaires, and measurement based on facial expressions. Measurement of work satisfaction with the job description index scale popularized by Smith, Kendall, and Hullin in 1969. This method uses a way to ask questions to employees about the job. Any questions should be answered by the employee with a yes, no or hesitant. In this way can know the level of employee satisfaction. Measurement of work satisfaction with the Minnesota Job Satisfaction developed by Weiss and England in 1967. This scale contains responses that require employees to choose one of the alternative answers: very satisfied, dissatisfied, neutral, satisfied and very satisfied with the questions raised. Based on these answers can be known the level of employee satisfaction. Measurement of work satisfaction according to the picture facial expressions developed by Kunin in 1955. Respondents are required to choose one person's face image, ranging from facial images are very excited, happy, neutral, and very sullen scowl. Employee job satisfaction can be predicted by looking at the option of pictures taken by the respondent. (Sopiah, 2008)

IV. Results and Discussion
Writing is the summary of several journals / scientific articles published on the internet. The author tries to combine journals / scientific article to describe the factors associated with job satisfaction lecturers / teachers. The author uses google scholar who is a search site journals / scholarly articles for academic and library services online also uses MM UGM. The journal was used journals issued in 2004 and upwards. The statistical methods used are statistical analysis technique, it is a correlation it is also using the PCM. Methods of data collection using questionnaires with different respondents in each of the journals studied.
Organizational trust is the trust of workers in organizational leadership and organizational actions will benefit the workers. From the results of research conducted by Deborah (2006) showed that organizational trust has positive and significant impact on job satisfaction. Influence of organizational trust on job satisfaction of 0.618 (p <0.05). This study's findings support research Laschinger et al (2001), and podsakof et al (1996).
In research done Deborah, job satisfaction using variables, such as: satisfaction with salary, satisfaction with promotion, satisfaction with the job, and satisfaction with supervision. Factor loading value of each indicator variable is job satisfaction, satisfaction with the salary for 0918, satisfaction with the promotion of 0545, 0719 job satisfaction, and satisfaction with the supervision of 0584. With a loading factor value is significantly different from those can be interpreted that the indicator of satisfaction with salary / wage larger role in explaining overall job satisfaction variable. This means that all four indicators of satisfaction remains a concern leaders of private universities, but satisfaction with the salary / wage is far more important than job satisfaction and satisfaction with supervision.
Organizational trust is the confidence level of lecturers in private universities where they work that the management of reliable, honest, competent, and has keperdulian on employees. These conditions will lead to employment kepusan. In other words, the lecturers will be more likely to believe in the goals and values prevailing in the organization, willing to exert extra effort in the workplace, and have the intention to quit is lower.
From the research, Deborah (2006) shows what factors in the work environment can increase job satisfaction, which is expected to retain qualified lecturers to remain willing to work at these institutions.
The challenge in working is to create a work environment that can give satisfaction in their work. Pressure at work can result in pain (emotional exhaustion, health problems psychomatic) and active job cause positive results such as job challenge and job satisfaction. Elements of work include the work itself, idealistic, and autonomy in work rules. Based on research conducted by Sharma and Jyoti (2009), approaching 79% of respondents found their profession as the most ideal (t value =- 0474, at a significance level 0709) and 82% agreed with this aspect of autonomy on the job. Although the lecturers are not happy with aspects of the rules and regulations, only 15% of them choose the service rules and their accuracy is still enjoying job security elements. Autonomy in work, enrichment, creativity, appropriacy, appropriate workload and feeling refreshed when the work is an element in the work that can explain the maximum job satisfaction so that there is a strong relationship with the elements of job satisfaction in a job. Based on research conducted by Ssesanga and Garret (2005) working element which brings the influence of satisfaction in work is the freedom to provide teaching materials, sharing knowledge with students, and acknowledge the hard work of his students. Still based on research conducted Ssesanga and Garret, caused by faculty discontent library facilities, recognition of teaching skills, size of classes taught, and the quality of the guidance. So based on research conducted by Garret Ssesanga and more focused on dissatisfaction in the process of teaching and learning activities, not from the psychological side of lecturers.
According to Sharma and Joyti (2009), wages and financial aspects only 28% of respondents (t calculated = 1.23, with a significance level of 0221) which states that private teachers are paid properly, 63% of respondents (t count = 2731, with a significance level of 0.07) not satisfied with the existing benefits but they are not ready to move the profession to pay the same wages. Correlation coefficient (r) and coefficient of determinant (r2) was 0530 (sign <0.01) and 0274, this illustrates that there are positive and significant relationship between wages and the financial aspects of job satisfaction. Thus the third problem formulation can be answered.
Based on the results of research conducted Biswas (2009), psychological conditions have a positive and significant influence with job satisfaction. In theory, individual behavior is influenced by events in the external environment and in the discussion Biswas predict individual behavior through psychological perception than reality objectively. Psychological conditions are calculated using PCM as stated Brown and Leigh (1996). Scala PCM consists of six factors, which supports management, role clarity, contribution, recognition, self-expression and challenging and included 21 items. Reliability of its size scale is 0.9. Based on the calculation from Biswas (2009), psychological conditions significantly influence job satisfaction, this is indicated by ß = 0.76, p ≤ 0.01. In addition regression analysis was also Biswas SEM analysis shows that the procedures and psychological conditions have a positive and significant impact on job satisfaction. The dimensions of psychological conditions among others, clarity of work, task monitoring, supervision management, and task rewards and recognition play an important role in determining job satisfaction. Thus for a responsible manager in such a way as to reduce pressure and provide more challenge, reward, and recognition.

V. Conclusion
Job satisfaction is very necessary for an employee / employees / entrepreneurs in developing the individual. With the existence of an employee job satisfaction will have a high loyalty to the company / organization, so the turnover rate is low.
Job satisfaction is influenced by several factors, among others: the element of work, organizational trust, psychological conditions and wage levels. Organizational trust has positive and significant impact on job satisfaction. So also with the working element which consists of the work itself, idealistic, and autonomy in work rules. In the results of research and Joyti Sharma, lecturers found their most ideal profession and professors agree with the aspect of autonomy in their work. Autonomy in work, enrichment, creativity, appropriacy, appropriate workload and feeling refreshed when the work is an element in the work that can explain the maximum job satisfaction so that there is a strong relationship with the elements of job satisfaction in a job.
So also with the psychological conditions have a positive and significant influence with job satisfaction. The dimensions of psychological conditions among others, clarity of work, task monitoring, supervision management, and task rewards and recognition play an important role in determining job satisfaction. Inside dimensions of this psychological condition, the role of managers is crucial to job satisfaction of employees. Managers must be able to motivate employees, provide praise / reward for maximum effort employees, and guiding employees who need direction and supervision. Managers also need to motivate employees who are considered to indicate a lack of zest in the work so that employees will be excited back and feel satisfied with his work.
By looking at aspects of job satisfaction than the journal literature search results, then the variables used in the research study can be used to conduct research that is identical with previous research or can also be used to conduct research in the field of job satisfaction of different observations, such as examining job satisfaction in this sub level / top management level (manager / director / commissioner), so it is interesting to study the level of job satisfaction on the sub-level of management. This is because job satisfaction is one's perception of his job if the job has reached satisfaction or perceived job satisfaction is not reached.


Biswas,Soumendu.2009.”Job Satisfaction and Job Involvement as Mediators of the Relationship Between Psychological Climate and Turnover Intention”. South Asian Journal of Management.Jan-March Edition. Hal.27-43

Debora.2006. “Pengaruh Pemberdayaan Kerja dan Psikologis terhadap Kepercayaan Organisasional dan Kepuasan Kerja Dosen Tetap Perguruan Tinggi Swasta”. Jurnal Manajemen dan Kewirausahaan, Vol.8 No.2. Hal.61-71.

Kreitner,R. And Kinicki,A. 2008.”Organizational Behavior,8th ed”. New York. McGraw Hill Companies,Inc.

Sharma, R.D. dan Jyoti,J.2009. “Job Satisfaction of University Teachers: An Empirical Study”. Journal of Services Research.Vo.2.No.2.Hal. 51-80

Sopiah.2008. “Perilaku Organisasi”Edisi I. Yogyakarta.Penerbit Andi.

Ssesanga,K. dan Garret, R.M. 2005. “Job Satisfaction of University Academics: Perspective from Uganda”.Higher Education,Vol.50. No.1. Hal.33-56

Risiko Kredit

Risiko kredit (credit risk) adalah risiko kerugian yang diderita bank, terkait dengan kemungkinan bahwa pada saat jatuh tempo, counterparty-nya gagal memenuhi kewajiban-kewajibannya kepada bank. Singkat kata, Credit risk adalah risiko kerugian bagi bank karena debitur tidak melunasi kembali pokok pinjamannya (plus bunga.
Risiko kredit ini telah menyebabkan harapan investor memperoleh bunga serta pokok investasi maupun tabungannya ataupun capital gain berubah menjadi kerugian bila bank jatuh bangkrut atau unit reksa dana gagal membayar redemption atau bila harga saham dan obligasi jatuh.
Fokus manajemen risiko yang utama adalah portofolio hutang (loan), meskipun prinsip-prinsip yang berkaitan dengan penentuan kelayakan kredit, berlaku untuk penilaian pihak yang mengeluarkan instrumen keuangan.
Secara umum terdapat tiga tipe risiko kredit antara lain:
• Personal or consumer risk
• Corporate or company risk
• Sovereign or country risk
Namun bagi bank risiko kerugian menyusul terjadinya risiko kredit merupakan hal yang wajar mengingat hal itu terkait dengan bisnis inti bank yaitu lending based business. Bank merupakan lembaga dengan tingkat leverage atau debt-equity ratio yang tinggi. Fakta itu telah menyebabkan permodalan bank dapat tergerus habis seketika dalam waktu singkat bila para defaultnya memiliki default rates yang tinggi.
Terdapat 3 macam cara untuk mengukur risiko kredit:
1. Qualitative models
2. Credit Scoring models
3. Newer Models

Anthony Saunders, dan Marcia Millon Cornett (2008), Financial Institutions Management: A Risk Management Aproach, New York, McGraw-Hills Companies,Inc.

Hennie Van Greuning, Sonja Brajovic Bratanovic (2003),Analyzing and Managing Bangking Risk: A framework for assessing Corporate Governance and Financial Risk,Washington,Published by The World Bank (The World Bank for Reconstruction and Development)

Masyhud Ali(2006), Manajemen Risiko, Jakarta, PT RajaGrafindo Persada.

Monday 8 March 2010

Marketing War From Sun Tzu

Source: NATIONWIDE No.7 Vol 1

Who does not know Sun Tzu, the legendary war experts with different ideas and his ideas are much admired by various circles. Although the doctrine has more than 2500 years old, but still be relevant not only to the strategy of war but also in the business world, especially marketing.
Sun Tzu who was born around 544 BC is a warlord kingdom of Wu during the war strategy succeeded in bringing the Kingdom of Wu became the most powerful empire at that time. His book is phenomenal is The Art Of War which has been translated into many languages worldwide. Even some countries from Asia to Europe to adopt the style of Sun Tzu's war strategies, including Napoleon Bonaparte.
The success of Sun Tzu in the war as outlined in the book is an inspiration for many marketers since tens of years ago. Various philosophies of war adopted by the marketers try and indeed proved to be quite effective.
Admittedly, in recent years the marketing world is developing very fast. Various products and new brands popping up, competition becomes more intense and the marketing war is inevitable.
No one feels when we try to learn some of Sun Tzu's war strategies, which if very relevant and can be an inspiration in every marketing decision. To that end, the authors try to present some very appropriate strategy for the current marketing situation.
First, in the days before BC, Sun Tzu had clearly taught the soldiers how the importance of having information. For Sun Tzu, has won the war not only rely on the number of troops that a lot with adequate weaponry. War is how to win it with a clever, without conflict and economical cost.
Sun Tzu said "Know yourself, recognize the other person, then the battle 100 times, 100 times to win. Get to know us but do not know the enemy, the battle of 100 times, 50 wins and 50 defeats. Not knowing who we are and do not know the enemy then 100 times 100 times the battle will be lost. "
The importance of this information is often ignored by marketers. Marketers often rely solely on information already available in the public and is very proud if it has a good product, when all is not guarantee winning the competition.
Still remember the war between Dimension vs. shampoo rejoice? Rejoice issued by Procter & Gamble (P & G) is a 2in1 shampoo which has been launched in various countries abroad and has proved successful. Seeing this success Unilever with clever can "sniff" P & G's intent to launch rejoice in Indonesia.
This whiff finally makes Unilever take immediate action to launch Dimension rejoice in Indonesia before coming to Indonesia. The launch of Dimension was a great success and should make rejoice bite the fingers due to not getting the results that I achieved in several other countries.
No wonder if Sun Tzu said that "Leaders who are smart are those who can use the intelligence to obtain information on competitors maneuver." Rejoice vs. Case Dimension shows how a good product alone is not enough if your opponent has a more sophisticated information from us. Therefore, every marketer should be looking for information as accurately as possible about the opponent so as not to miss.
Second, for Sun Tzu, to win the war is not merely a matter of prestige and power struggles. "Parties who will win the war is the party that understands when to fight and when to vote no." That's the philosophy that shows how we must fight smart.
Let's see just how marketers are often stuck with a competitor maneuvers that should not need to be addressed. This trap has experienced even by the company for coca-cola. Still remember the maneuvers blind tests conducted by Pepsi Cola?
At that time, Pepsi made an ad featuring two types of coke, but the brand at the bottle of Coke is covered. Then Pepsi ask some people to try a second coke without the brand. The result was mainly to say that one of the coke has a more delicious flavor. Coke apparently is Pepsi-Cola.
These maneuvers provoked by Pepsi, Coca-Cola launched New Coke then with various modifications taste. What happens then? It turned out that New Coke was actually backfired for the Coca-Cola because many consumers are protesting this new product, and they want a Coca-Cola with the original flavor as the previous.
Coca-Cola's mistake is known as one of the biggest marketing blunders of this history. This case shows that the company should respond cautiously competitor attacks. Marketers must recognize correctly when to attack and when to hit the deck.
Third, another of Sun Tzu's philosophy is "lewatilah other routes that have not passed by your enemies." This philosophy actually teaches us how to not fight head-on with competitors. In marketing, this means we must find a niche market (niche market) market that is untouched by our competitors.
Who does not know the Extra Joss, drinks energy supplements in the form of sachets which had horrendous world of marketing in Indonesia. As other energy supplement drink fought each other in large cities, Extra Joss actually do gferilya by going into small towns that have not been touched by other brands.
Entering the small towns that still low levels of competition provide a space large enough for Extra Joss to expand and continue growing. After conquering this market niche and then widely known, then tried to enter the major cities and compete with other brands. This of course is based on the consideration that the Extra Joss has had sufficient capital to control these small towns.
This philosophy inspires us that we should not fight frontally with a competitor. Look for markets that have not been touched by anyone and Overcome the area.
Fourth, "Do not try to attack your opponent's high-spirited. Attack your opponent when they are in a position of weakness and want to return to camp. " For marketers, this principle menganjarkan so that we can compete with the elegant and precise timing.
If I mention Rinso detergent and So Klin, I am sure all readers would know him well. These are the two brands of detergent detergent giant that controls the Indonesian market. That may be true in the period before the crisis, but his condition was little changed after the crisis.
When a crisis where people's purchasing power decreases while production costs increased, both the detergent is indeed seem bewildered face of this crisis situation. Can be said, they also began to improve efficiency, especially advertising.
When detergent comes ituy Daia (Klin So who is his brother) who offer cheaper prices with the benefits that can be relied upon. With the incessant, Daia launched several ads by jor-rod precisely in time the two brands is somewhat reduced its ad. This strategy ultimately makes Daia became one of the major players in the world of detergents Indonesia with a large enough market share.
For that, try a sari know when your opponent is prone and when it is being advanced. Hang in there when your opponent is smart and move forward quickly when the opponent is prone.
Fifth, "Someone should be able to move the location of the leader of the camp so that your opponent can not predict our movement." This philosophy is the way Sun Tzu to confuse his opponent. It is also widely adopted by marketers.
If I mention the low tar low nicotin cigarettes (LTN), many of us will mention the brand Sampoerna A Mild. A Mild is a market leader in LTLN, this result is not only a capital of just hockey.
When the other tobacco companies have not thought about cigarettes LTLN, Sampoerna A Mild skillfully launched ahead of its competitors in 1989. the first appearance in this market that ultimately makes A Mild can be number one. Is A Mild does not have a competitor? Obviously not.
Several newly emerging brands trying to attack the A Mild, but just look at the various communications programs A Mild are very clever and always confusing his opponent. The advertising of the famous such as "How Low Can You Go", "Not Basa Basi", "Others Can Only Follow", and "Get The Real Low" shows how A Mild always changing, so competitors can not follow such a competitor and finally gerakkannya are overwhelmed and can never be defeated A Mild.
Fifth-style battle Sun tzu's philosophy is to show how the strategies of war can also apply in the marketing world. The most important thing for marketers is not necessarily a frontal war and it cost a lot. Some examples above show how the war should not frontally with the lowest possible cost. All this of course on condition that we must understand the enemy and the battlefield well.
In other words, not enough to just understand your customers because your competitors also must understand consumers well. Understand also maneuver to be performed competitors and move faster and smarter so that consumers can love and loyalty with your brand.


What is Strategy?
By Michael E. Porter

Over the past nearly 20 years, the managers learned how to play with some new rules. Businesses must also flexible in responding to the rapid changes taking place in the competition and the market, continues to perform benchmarks for the achievement of efficiency and retain some core competencies that are not lagging behind its competitors ..
Positioning, who had advanced heart of the strategy, no longer used because it was considered too static in the face of such dionamis markets and rapid technological change. According to the new dogma, its competitors would quickly imitate any market position, and competitive advantage then became temporary.
But all it contains half truths that could be dangerous, and lead more companies to track competition destroy each other. True, that some of the obstacles to compete to be lost because the rules become much simpler and markets become global. True, that companies invest its energy more wisely in order to become increasingly lean and agile. However, in many industries the so-called hyperpersaingan become a troublesome wound himself, and not be terlakan not result from a paradigm of competition is changing.
Root of the problem lies in the failure to distinguish between operational efktivitas with strategy. Research is being done to raise the level of productivity, quality, and speed emnghasilkan a large number of tools and management techniques such as total quality management, benchmarking, time-based competition, outsourcing, partnering, reengineering, change management. Despite successfully making operational improvements are dramatic, many companies are experiencing frustration at not being able to translate what they got into sustainable profitability. And little by little, almost nothing felt, replace the management tools strategy. Effort from managers to make progress in all sectors and even make them stay away from the competitive position.

EfektifitasOperasional: Need But It Is Not Enough
A company can only beat its rivals if they can create a uniqueness that can be retained.
Similarly, the differentiation comes from the choice of activities and how activities are performed.
A wave of industry consolidation that occurred recently through the merger into the competition can be understood in the context of operational effectiveness. Driven by pressure to improve performance but is less supported by a strategic vision, almost all companies have no idea other than to buy companies that are competitors. Companies that live longer than others, and not a company that has a real advantage.

2. The uniqueness of the strategy is largely determined by activities
The essence of competitive strategy is a difference. The point is deliberately choosing a different group of activities in order to produce a unique combination of values.
Strategic positions emerge from three different sources, which are interrelated to one another and tend to complement each other. First, positioning can be based on ativityas producing some of the products or services) for the basic choices made atasa variety of products or services and not on customer segments. Diversity bersdaarkan positioning new product / service has economic sense when a company can very well produce a particular product or service using a different set of activities.
People who use Vanguard or the Jiffy Lube chain responds to the best value for a particular service type. Based on the diversity of positioning products / services to serve customers in large numbers, but most serve only a fraction of their specific needs.
On the positioning of the second kind, the company serves all or even all of the needs of a particular customer group. I call it by positioning on a needs basis. Positioning of this type is similar to the traditional ways of thinking in which the intended target was a group of customers who have needs which berlain differently and this need can be served by a group Threaded activity. There are groups of customers more price sensitive, ask for a different product features and require different kinds of information, support, and service.
Other types of positioning based on this requirement is when the same customer has different needs in different situations or for different types of transactions. The same person, for example, might have needs that are not the same when traveling on business than usual when traveling with family.
Almost all managers are relying on their intuition in formulating their business patterns that match customer needs. But the most important element of need-based positioning is not at all intuitive, and often ignored. The difference in this need not be transformed into a position which means that if the activities undertaken to meet those needs are no different. Had not the thing that is the problem, then each competitor should be able to meet those same needs, and there is no unique or valuable things about positioning.
Positioning the third type is a segmented customer that can be accessed through a variety of ways. They have the same needs with the needs of other customers, but differ in terms of setting activities undertaken to reach these consumers. I call it by positioning based access. Access can function as the geographic scale of a customer or customers or anything that needs a different set of activities to achieve our customers with the best way.
Regardless of who becomes basisnya_____________ diversity, needs, access, or a combination ketiganya______positioning requires a number of activities Threaded because it always presupposes the existence of differences in terms of distribution, namely the differences in terms of corporate activities. But positioning is not selamanyamerupakan difference function of the demand side or the customer. Positioning is based on diversity and access is not dependent on any differences that existed at the customer. However, in practice, the differences in terms of diversity and access are often accompanied differences in needs.
After defining the positioning, we can now begin to answer the question, "What is strategy?" Strategy is about creating a unique and valuable position, involving a variety of corporate activities. If in case there is only one ideal position, then there should be no strategy. These companies will be faced with even just one simple guide, which won the race to discover and master ersebut strategy. The essence of strategic positioning is to choose activities that are different from those made by competitors. If only the same activities as the best way to generate all the variations, to meet all needs, and can access all customers, the company will easily use interchangeably and operational effectiveness will be the determinants of firm performance.

3. In order for Sustainable Can, A Strategic Position Requires Trade-Offs
But a strategic position will not last long if there is no exchange (trade-off) to another position. Trade-Off occurs when the company's activities conflicting with each other. In simple terms it can be said that the trade-off means that the excess in one section requires a reduction in other fields. An airline may choose to serve the meal while raising costs and shorten time to stop on the runway, or could choose not to do it, but it can do both without bear the cost of inefficiency.
Trade-off arising by three reasons. The first is the inconsistency in terms of image or reputation. A company known as a company that produces one kind of value could be the lack kreditibilitas and confusing customers - or even damage the reputation __jika he produces other types of goods or try to produce two goods are not the same at the same time. Ivory soap, for example by its position as a cheap soap will find it difficult to reshape its image in order to align with Neutrogena's reputation as a company that sells medical soap premium level (secondary and above). Efforts to create a new image will have cost tens or even hundreds of dollars on big industries __ and this is certainly a very big obstacle to imitation.
The second and more important reason is that trade-off arises from aktivitasperusahaam itself. Psoisi different (with a range of activities) require configuration (structure) of different products, different equipment, different employee behavior, different skills and different management systems. Many trade-off that illustrates the lack of inflexibility (infleksibilitas) in the case of machines used, employees who are employed, and the system is applied. The more Ikea configuration of activities to reduce cost by allowing their customer to do the assembly and delivery, the more he is less able to satisfy customers who demand a higher level of service.
However, the trade-off can be even more fundamental. In general, the value of destroyed if an activity designed redundantly or not designed properly. For example, although a sales rep can provide valuable assistance to a client and ignore the other customers, the product or service offerings (and some of the costs of issuance) will be in vain for customers in the second. In addition to increased productivity when the variation of an activity is limited. By always providing valuable assistance, salespeople and entire sales activity can often learn and achieve efficiencies of scale.
Finally, a trade-off occurs because of the limited coordination and internal controls. By choosing to compete in one way and not the other way, senior management makes the organization become more clear priorities. Conversely, companies that tried to be anything for all customers, at risk of confusion as employees try to make daily operational decisions without a clear framework.

4. Encouraging Competitive Advantage Adjustment and Resistance
Positioning choices not only determine the activities to be undertaken by a company and how each activity have been prepared, but also how those activities relate to one another. Operational effectiveness associated with achieving the best level in performing each activity or function, while the strategy of combining related activities.
Level Adjustment and sustainability (Suatainabilitas)
Strategic adjustment among many activities is fundamental not only for competitive advantage but also on the sustainability of these advantages. More difficult for competitors to match a group of activities connected to each other than to imitate a particular sales force approach, adapting the technology to process, or imitate a group of features (features) of the product. Positions built on systems of activities far more lasting than the position which is built on the activities individually.

5. Finding Return Strategy
Failure to choose
Usually people think that the threat to come from outside the company's strategy as a result of changes in technology or the behavior of competitors. Although external changes can be a problem for the company, the threat to the strategy often arise from within the company. A good strategy is often undermined by misconceptions about the competition, by the failures that occurred in the organization, and more specifically the desire to expand.
Stunned by predictions about hiperkompetisi, managers increase the ability of the company with a way to imitate what is being done by our competitors. Because urged to think revolutionary, managers chase every new technology in order to save themselves.
Effort to find the operational effectiveness becomes excited because it was considered more concrete and actionable (can be applied). During the past decade, managers are under pressure to improve performance significantly and can be measured. These programs resulted in operational effectiveness menetramkan progress, despite the high profitability could remain elusive. Publications and business consultant flooding the market with information about what is being done by other companies, which triggered the emergence of mentality to do the best. Stuck in a race to achieve operational effectiveness, many managers feel well that they do not need a strategy.
Growth Trap
Of the many influences, the desire to develop good time to have the worst effects of the strategy. Offi-border trade and the things that seemed to insist that companies need to grow and develop. Serve a group of customers and ignore the other customers, for example placing reasonable limits for revenue growth (revenue). Strategies with broad targets that emphasize low prices could result in a loss of sales to customers who attach great importance to the quality of the product or service. Conversely differentiation strategy does not generate sales to customers who are sensitive to price.
Profitable growth
Many companies after restructuring and cost savings, diverting their attention on the company's growth. Often, too, attempts to blur the uniqueness of that growth, leading to a compromise, reducing the adjustment and ultimately damaging the competitive advantage. And in fact, the desired level of growth even endanger the strategy.
What action to maintain growth and strengthen the strategy? In general, the instructions are in order to concentrate more on efforts to deepen a strategic position and not expand and mengkompromikannya. One approach is to look for strategies that trigger the expansion of existing activity system by offering privileges or services that can not be imitated by its competitors or those who do not charge a fee slightly if only relying on one event only. In other words, managers can ask themselves how the activity, how the privileges or form of competition is how, which can be measured or do not harm them because of the company's activities are complementary.
Globalization is often the driving force of growth consistent with its strategy, which opened big markets for a focused strategy. Unlike the expanding activities in the country, to expand globally and further encourage the formation position of a company's unique identity
Leadership Role
Challenge to develop or rebuild a strategy is often highly dependent on the nature and organizational leadership system that is applied. With so many workers who do not want to make choices and trade-offs in organizations, a clear intellectual framework to guide the strategy is something that is needed in order to maintain balance. In addition, the existence of strong leaders who can make pilihanmerupakan something essential.
In many companies, leadership was not reduced in rank to be more than just leading the improvement of operational activities and conduct transactions. But now, the role of a leader is much broader and more important. General management is more than just a job to handle individual functions. The point is strategy: defining and communicating the company's unique position, making trade-offs, and making adjustments between the activities of the company. A leader must be disciplined in mnentukan the changes which the industry and customer needs which will be responded by the company, while avoiding the disruption of organizational and still maintain distinctiveness of the company. Managers at lower levels usually lack the perspective and confidence to have a strategy. There will be a constant pressure to compromise, to loosen the trade-off, and compete with competitors. One of the many jobs performed by a leader is to teach to others in the organization about strategy --- and to say no.
The strategy provides a choice about what not to do and what to do. Setting limits is one of the other functions of leadership. Deciding which groups to target customers, product variations, and which customers need to be served by the company is something fundamental in developing a strategy. But so is deciding to not serve customers or other needs and do not offer a particular product or service model. So, the strategy requires constant discipline and clear. One of the most important functions of an explicit and communicative strategy is to guide employees in making choices that arise because of the trade-offs in each of the activities they do and in daily decisions.
Improving operational effectiveness is an important part of management, but it is not a strategy. While experiencing confusion with those two things, the manager accidentally backed into ways of thinking about competition that drives many of the industry towards convergence (convergence), which compete, which is not beneficial to anyone and can not be avoided.
Managers must be able to distinguish between operational effectiveness strategy. Although it is an essential thing, the two agendas are not the same.
Operational agenda involves continual improvement everywhere and there is no trade-off. Failure in doing this will decrease resistance even for companies that have a good strategy though. Operational agenda is the perfect place for constant change, flexibility, and a relentless effort to achieve the best performance levels. Conversely, strategic agenda is a good place to define a unique position, making clear trade-off, and tighten the adjustment. Inside erkandung businesses are constantly looking for ways to improve and expand the company's position. Strategic agenda demands discipline and continuity, and its main enemy is the confusion and compromise.